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Fonts (4)
NamePreview NamePreview

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-04-10 (2KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-06-17 (43KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-03-17 (23KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-05-28 (24KB)

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
dotmatri.doc Text File 14 581b 1991-04-10
techphon.doc Text File 16 659b 1991-02-01
tribeca.doc Text File 34 2KB 1991-03-17
wedgie.doc Text File 9 1KB 1991-06-03

Other Files (4)
dotmatri.pfm Printer Font Metrics 554b 1991-04-10
techpho_.pfm Printer Font Metrics 1KB 1991-06-17
tribeca.pfm Printer Font Metrics 888b 1991-03-17
wedgie.pfm Printer Font Metrics 596b 1991-05-28